Friday 5 April 2013

hair update

currently my hair colour is purple with some blonde streaks. the first week that i did my hair, my hair colour was rich, dark, and purple. now after a month and several washes, my purple faded. it actually doesnt look that bad though as you may have thought but my hair looks wicked like im some kpop idol (LOL). it's light brown ash purple and it's been like that for a long time now, i guess my hair colour finally went permanent.

i dont really recommend this look for lets say individuals who are not so into having "white/gray" coloured hair. if you have some crazy fashion taste, then go for it ;) 
why would canada eliminate the penny...whyyyy
seriously, rounding up the total cost of your purchase is so confusing. i just bought a cup of hot chocolate with an apple strudle and my total was $1.56. i decided to pay by cash so i gave $1.60. i didnt get change back so i was like what...ok... i wasnt sure about this new rule of rounding so i checked online and i found out that if your total was $1.51 - $1.52 then you would have to pay just $1.50 but if your total was $1.53 - $1.54 then $1.55. sooo basically since my total was $1.56 it would have rounded to $1.55 and since i spent $1.60, shouldnt i get 5 cents back (5 cents is hella a lot yo with all that rounding)? dude this is so messed seriously, with all that rounding you're mostly going to be spending extra. 
i shouldve invested in these pennies before they went bye bye.