Thursday 26 May 2011

Sensory Information

What sucks to be blind is that you miss what is around you...

glaucoma - disorder of the eye caused by build up of fluid in the chamber anterior

cataract - condition that occurs when the lens or cornea becomes opaque, preventing light from passing through

astigmatism - vision defect caused by abnormal curvature of the surface of the lens or cornea (irregular lens shape)

nearsightedness - condition that occurs when the image is focused in front of the retina (long eye)

farsightedness - condition that occurs when the image is focused behind the retina (short eye)

Out of those five, I have the forth condition. It is really hard for me to see from afar. According to what I have read from sources, you get eye conditions from the sun and ultraviolet rays. In this case, this may be true. When I was young, god knows what I was thinking, I kept starring at the sun. I also kept playing with my vision...I saw this black dot...and during winter, you know how bright white is when the sun is out? It's hella blinding. When I go indoors afterwards, it's like completely blinding and dark. This is one of the signs of eye defects, seeing blotches or black irregular images. 
Well, I always wanted to wear glasses and what 'd ya know, bingo. Who knew choosing was hard haha. I was deciding to go for big lenses like a nerd but then I decided to go like slightly big and not too small. I had my glasses for like, I think, from December 2010. It's a Polo Ralph Lauren with its yellow logo and it's black ^-^, either that or Chanel large lenses with brown marble frame, and of course I went for the yellow haa. Got it at Pacific Mall :P wooo for $199 and I think there was percentage off too. 
Anyways, I don't wear my glasses often because, well, only when I want or NEED to. That's what he said. At school today, in the morning after first period where people are heading to their next class, I was walking through the front hall, I get a blurry vision. I forgot to mention this, sometimes I space out and my vision gets blurry. Furthermore, walking through the hall and I managed to pick out the figure that was passing by me. She was my friend and when I passed by her, I heard either laughing, chuckling or sniffling, hiccuping that was coming out from her but then again with the laughing, why would she be laughing randomly in the hall to herself...I couldn't see her face at all. My eyes were focused straightforward and glancing at her face, it was just a blur. Then when I thought about it, slowing down and turning to the washroom...I think she was crying. I want to know why but then again I thought about that my existence and you know how girls are with other girls crying, they go all softy and 'what's wrong?' and yeah you get the picture. I still want to know and I thought about going to the library, by the way I was heading home, to see if she would be there and I could come and comfort her but then again I thought that she probably was heading to the office. Why would she be sitting in the library crying? I had this image where if I went to the library, I would have to put on my glasses of course, and if I spot her, I would sit beside her and yeah comfort her. o_O
Pfft, hey...I have some soft yet nurturing side in me...and a bit of evil....mwahahahaa haa. I can be anything! No, rephrase, I can be Dark Magician Girl! Toon one is cool too but I prefer this original one.

So overall, being nearsighted sucks. I'm the only one in my family that has this condition ahaha the rest are just astigmatism, cataract, and farsightedness... What sucks with nearsightedness is that I don't get to see things clearly from afar, when I'm looking for someone it's really difficult -_-" no sh*t it is, and ordering from fast food places such as Tim Horton's ahaha can't read the menu.

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